Balade en bateau sur la petite camargue

Komodo Sea Dragon Liveaboard

Découvrez les aventures de plongée à bord du dragon marin de Komodo

Assurance plongée gratuite pour tous les voyages

Nous nous sommes associés à DiveAssure pour fournir une assurance accident de plongée gratuite pour l'ensemble de votre voyage à bord. Applicable uniquement aux réservations directes.

Assurance plongée gratuite

Découvrez une expérience de croisière inégalée à Komodo. Alliant le charme extérieur traditionnel à un intérieur étonnamment exquis, le Komodo Sea Dragon redéfinit le luxe en mer. Chacune de ses cabines spacieuses témoigne de l'élégance et du confort, avec un bureau, un canapé, des lampes de lecture et une vue imprenable sur la mer. Sortez sur votre balcon privé avec un coin salon pour une connexion intime avec l'océan.

Le Sea Dragon dispose de 6 cabines, pouvant accueillir un total de 12 passagers, avec la possibilité d'accueillir jusqu'à 16 personnes sans compromettre le confort. Les canapés dans les cabines servent de lits d'appoint, ce qui les rend parfaits pour les séjours en occupation triple ou en famille. Découvrez le luxe personnalisé dans ces espaces soigneusement conçus. Komodo Sea Dragon est le bateau de croisière ultime à Komodo.

Les amateurs de plongée apprécieront le bateau de plongée dédié, assurant la tranquillité sur le navire principal tout en offrant des opérations de plongée ciblées et efficaces. Les petits groupes de plongée avec un ratio maximum de 4 plongeurs pour 1 guide garantissent une aventure sous-marine intime et sûre. Explorez l'intégralité du parc national de Komodo, y compris les célèbres sites de plongée comme Batu Bolong, Shotgun, Manta Alley, Crystal Rock et Castle Rock, avec la liberté et le luxe que seul le dragon de mer de Komodo peut offrir.

Choisissez le date de départ:

Date de début
Komodo National Park (Labuan Bajo - Labuan Bajo)
6 Days/5 Nights
À partir de
2 268
Only 1 Spots Left!
Komodo National Park (Labuan Bajo - Labuan Bajo)
8 Days/7 Nights
À partir de
3 024
Only 1 Spots Left!
Komodo National Park (Labuan Bajo - Labuan Bajo)
6 Days/5 Nights
À partir de
2 268
Only 2 Spots Left!
Komodo National Park (Labuan Bajo - Labuan Bajo)
8 Days/7 Nights
À partir de
3 024
Only 4 Spots Left!
Komodo National Park (Labuan Bajo - Labuan Bajo)
6 Days/5 Nights
À partir de
2 268
Komodo National Park (Labuan Bajo - Labuan Bajo)
8 Days/7 Nights
À partir de
3 024
16 AVR.
Komodo National Park (Labuan Bajo - Labuan Bajo)
6 Jours/5 Nights
À partir de
2 268
Only 1 Spots Left!
23 AVR.
Komodo National Park (Labuan Bajo - Labuan Bajo)
8 Jours/7 Nights
À partir de
3 024
Only 1 Spots Left!
01 MAI
Komodo National Park (Labuan Bajo - Labuan Bajo)
6 Jours/5 Nights
À partir de
2 268
Only 2 Spots Left!
07 MAI
Komodo National Park (Labuan Bajo - Labuan Bajo)
8 Jours/7 Nights
À partir de
3 024
Only 4 Spots Left!
16 MAI
Komodo National Park (Labuan Bajo - Labuan Bajo)
6 Jours/5 Nights
À partir de
2 268
23 MAI
Komodo National Park (Labuan Bajo - Labuan Bajo)
8 Jours/7 Nights
À partir de
3 024

Extras inclus

  • VAT
  • Eau potable
  • Thé et café
  • Plan de repas en pension complète (tous les repas)
  • Snacks
  • Forfait plongée
  • Cabane et serviettes de plongée
  • transfert aéroport / hôtel,

Extras minimum requis

Frais de parc national 4D/3N - 120 USD par voyage , 5D/4N - 150 USD par voyage , 6D/5N - 180 USD par voyage, 7D/6N - 210 USD par voyage, 8D/7N - 240 USD par voyage

Services Extras

  • Pourboires
  • Guide de plongée privé
  • 15L tanks
  • Nitrox
  • Autres boissons alcoolisées
  • Boissons rafraîchissantes
  • Cours PADI
  • View Rental Prices

Réservez maintenant, avec confirmation immédiate !!

* Extra fees are shown per person.

Caractéristiques générales

Audio & vidéo

Air conditionné


Des douches à l’eau chaude

Lounge extérieur

Les toilettes publiques

sun deck

Unlimited 4G Internet


Air conditionné


Restauration et boissons

Style buffet


On y sert de la cuisine occidentale.

Vin blanc disponibles à la vente

cuisine asiatique




Caractéristiques de plongée









S'il y a des restrictions alimentaires, vous pouvez nous en informer pendant le processus de réservation. Nous tiendrons compte des croyances religieuses ou des allergies alimentaires. Tous les repas se composent d'un choix mixte de légumes, de pâtes/riz et de plats de viande.

4 cabines doubles

Élégamment aménagé avec un lit king-size, un canapé-lit convertible et la climatisation. Chaque cabine dispose d'une salle de bains privative, d'un bureau, de lampes de lecture et d'un balcon meublé, offrant confort et luxe en haute mer.

23 sq. | 2 - 3 personnes

Cabine principale avec lits jumeaux

Conçue pour le confort et la commodité, la cabine principale avec lits jumeaux offre une vue sur la mer, une salle de bains privative, deux lits jumeaux, un bureau, des lampes de lecture et la climatisation. Parfait pour les clients à la recherche d'un voyage en mer confortable et fonctionnel.

18 sq. | 2 personnes

Deuxième cabine double

Reflétant le confort et la fonctionnalité de la cabine principale avec lits jumeaux, cette chambre dispose d'une salle de bains privative, de deux lits jumeaux, d'un bureau et de la climatisation. Idéal pour les voyageurs qui apprécient la simplicité et le confort lors de leur voyage en mer.

15 sq. | 2 personnes

Dessin et navire

Détails génériques

Année Construction:
Rénové. :
Longueur :
35 m / 114 feet
Poutre :
8m / 26 feet
Vitesse :
8 knot
400 PK Cummings
Maximum d'hôtes :
N° Cabines :
N° Salles de bains :
Appel d'offres:
Capacité en eau:
6 tonnes
Volume réservoir:
5 tonnes
Machine à eau douce:
6,000L / jour

Caractéristiques de sécurité

Radar Garmin – Carte Aqua 1052XS
Détecteurs de fumée
GPS: Garmin.
Extincteurs d'incendie
Transpondeur AIS de classe B – ICOM MA 500 TR
Manches d'incendie
Radio Kenwood TM-281A
Gilets de sauvetage
Radio ICOM IC-M200
Anneaux de sauvetage (bouées)
Système de détresse E.P.I.R.B. (radiobalise d'indication de position d'urgence)
Kits d'oxygène
Radeaux de sauvetage d'urgence (2 x 16 personnes)
Trousses de premiers soins
Téléphones par satellite et mobiles
Flares d'urgence et signaux de fumée
GPS de sauvetage maritime Nautilus Lifeline pour chaque plongeur

Commentaires (8)

Trier par : Most Recent
Miranda wrote on juillet 8th 2024
United Kingdom  •  Verified Guest
Date du voyage
juillet 01, 2024
The best diving experience of a lifetime!

The best experience of my LIFE! I did my Advanced Open Water course with Jello and had the best time. The dives were incredible, the boat was magical, the staff was above and beyond! Highly recommend this trip to families, couples or solo!!! You will feel right at home.

Hébergement :   Excellent  
Restauration et boissons :   Excellent  
Expériences d'excursion :   Excellent  
service de l'équipage :   Excellent  
Le recommanderais-tu aux autres?##$_0D$##   :   Yes
Écrit juillet 08 2024
Judith Furtner wrote on avril 14th 2024
United Kingdom  •  Verified Guest
Date du voyage
avril 07, 2024
Was a great week

Awesome crew, we had a great week! Only with the excursions we felt a bit rushed through. Thank you for everything!

Hébergement :   Excellent  
Restauration et boissons :   Excellent  
Expériences d'excursion :   Great  
service de l'équipage :   Excellent  
Le recommanderais-tu aux autres?##$_0D$##   :   Yes
Écrit avril 14 2024
Fanny Sandonato wrote on avril 15th 2024
Italy  •  Verified Guest
Date du voyage
avril 07, 2024
Between excellent and good

Meals are served too quickly after the dives, we don't have time to rest or to share experience before eating. Tides are so unpredictable that the schedule changes all the time…

Hébergement :   Great  
Restauration et boissons :   Excellent  
Expériences d'excursion :   Excellent  
service de l'équipage :   Excellent  
Le recommanderais-tu aux autres?##$_0D$##   :   Yes
Écrit avril 15 2024
Oliver S wrote on mars 28th 2024
Germany  •  Verified Guest
Date du voyage
mars 18, 2024
Great Diving Experience

I went on a 7 day diving trip on the Komodo Sea Dragon boat. It was a very good experience, the cabins were superb with a balcony and had plenty of space for us three. I also did my PADI Advanced Open Water Diver certification while on the boat. Jello was my instructor, who really put a lot of effort in my diving experience, so I would always feel safe, even in challenging situations like drift or depth diving. He also never got tired of emphasizing the importance of diver safety and 1-on-1 diving with me. The rest of the crew were really nice as well, so we always felt welcomed and cared for. Especially Alan was always so warm and welcoming.

Hébergement :   Excellent  
Restauration et boissons :   Excellent  
Expériences d'excursion :   Excellent  
service de l'équipage :   Excellent  
Le recommanderais-tu aux autres?##$_0D$##   :   Yes
Écrit mars 28 2024
Julinha21 wrote on avril 1st 2024
Spain  •  Verified Guest
Date du voyage
mars 18, 2024
Liveaboard Komodo Sea Dragon

Passamos uma semana no liveaboard Komodo Sea Dragon, do mesmo resort.
As instalações surpreenderam. O quarto era bem confortável, o ar condicionado funcionava muito bem, um banheiro individual para cada quarto atendia bem, e a cama era super confortável! Foram noites muuuito bem dormidas! É possível que os 2 ou 3 mergulhos diários tenham um pouco a ver com Mas uma boa cama é fundamental para sustentar todos os mergulhos maravilhosos que fizemos ao longo da semana!
Havia a possibilidade de mergulhar uma 3ª ou ainda 4ª vez no dia, no caso os mergulhos noturnos, mas nós preferimos descansar a noite
O esquema do liveaboard é muito bem organizado, com uma boa estrutura, e mergulhos bem seguros. Havia um dive master para cada 3 ou 4 pessoas, com grupos divididos de acordo com o nível e experiência de mergulhos. Um segundo barco menor acompanhava o barco principal, de onde saíamos para realizar os mergulhos.
Como a distância era bem grande para nós, que moramos no Brasil, aproveitamos a viagem para conhecer outros lugares e países ali próximos, portanto precisamos alugar quase todos os equipamentos para mergulhas.
Os equipamentos eram bons e funcionavam bem. Mas é necessário providenciarem mais wetsuits (o meu estava começando a rasgar) e coletes BCD em tamanhos menores, pois eu usei um de cada, e uma segunda pessoa que precisaria do colete também do tamanho menor, acabou tendo que usar um maior por não terem o suficiente... 
Outra observação válida seria um maior abastecimento do freezer com cervejas, pois a noite é um bom momento para relaxar e aproveitar as férias tomando uma cervejinha, e é fundamental que o estoque dure a semana inteira até a última noite.
Independente desses detalhes, super recomendo esse liveaboard! Foi uma experiência muito legal e especial, com direito a muitas mantas lindas e gigantes para nos encantar e receber!

Hébergement :   Great  
Restauration et boissons :   Excellent  
Expériences d'excursion :   Excellent  
service de l'équipage :   Excellent  
Le recommanderais-tu aux autres?##$_0D$##   :   Yes
Écrit avril 01 2024
Junie H wrote on février 13th 2024
Indonesia  •  Verified Guest
Date du voyage
février 08, 2024
On Board on the Komodo Sea Dragon LOB

It was a wonderful week of diving at around the Komodo National Park at this time. 
Scuba Jello (Cruise Director) and the boat crew made our experience sweeter for our time there and this is not our first time diving at Komodo. 

We really wanted to dive the South of Komodo for a long time and it was made happened by Jello's team during this trip. As season divers would know, the weather during this time will be rough however we felt very safe and comfortable on board. 

As for diving, we felt very safe diving with our guide Ronnie ensuring each one of us in the group have the full experience. The "dive centre" and compressor is on another boat called the Putra Sebayur which will tail the Komodo Sea Dragon everywhere it goes. There are pros and cons to have a separate "dive centre". Pros being less noise from the compressor during refilling tanks and also less mess around. Cons being getting in and out most of the time between the main boat and the "dive boat". 
Putra Sebayur is also equipped with sun deck on the second level and toilet facilities. 
Overall, there are more pros than cons. 

We were never hungry during the trip and the food selection was pretty good. The rooms are huge and very nicely designed with ample storage and we had a good sized balcony for our relax time. What I want to applaud is the toilet in the room and also public area. Usually there will always be toilet smell lingering during our LOB experience. I am so glad time time there were no awful smell at all. 

Everyone on board was always greeting us with smiles asking if we need anything else to make our stay more perfect. Briefing of the day's itinerary was clear, concise and very on schedule. 

We would definitely return the Komodo and stay on the Komodo Sea Dragon during another diving season. To Scuba Jello's team from the Captain to the Chef, please keep up the good work!

Hébergement :   Excellent  
Restauration et boissons :   Excellent  
Expériences d'excursion :   Excellent  
service de l'équipage :   Excellent  
Le recommanderais-tu aux autres?##$_0D$##   :   Yes
Écrit février 13 2024
Jane Clarke wrote on janvier 31st 2024
United States  •  Verified Guest
Date du voyage
janvier 11, 2024
Amazing experience !

I had the chance to be on their liveaboard for a seven days. Amazing experience ! The whole crew was incredibly nice, helping you with whatever you needed at all times. The diving experience was amazing, we saw manta rays, sharks, turtles and so much more. The dive guides were always very careful about safety. They had also organized other activities such as short trekking to amazing viewpoints, and the view from the boat was stunning.
I would definitly recommand this liveaboard to any diver (experienced or less experienced) who whishes to spend a week around Komodo national park.

Hébergement :   Excellent  
Restauration et boissons :   Excellent  
Expériences d'excursion :   Excellent  
service de l'équipage :   Excellent  
Le recommanderais-tu aux autres?##$_0D$##   :   Yes
Écrit janvier 31 2024
Esme wrote on janvier 9th 2024
United States  •  Verified Guest
Date du voyage
novembre 02, 2023
Amazing dives and amazing crew

Magical diving experience with Komodo Sea dragon. 

Our cruise director is Jello and he’s wonderful !! His English is very good so no problem communicating with him. He’s very responsive and knowledgeable.

The dive sites were also amazing and the crews were so helpful and caring, they took care of me both in the water and out of water.

It was my first liveaboard and honestly I didn’t expect it to be this comfortable. The room was so nice and well-furnished, the food was so delicious. Just wow!!

Hébergement :   Excellent  
Restauration et boissons :   Excellent  
Expériences d'excursion :   Excellent  
service de l'équipage :   Excellent  
Le recommanderais-tu aux autres?##$_0D$##   :   Yes
Écrit janvier 09 2024

Lancez une discussion

Tout ce que vous devez savoir sur les rapports et la facturation Vous ne trouvez pas la réponse à votre question ? Veuillez discuter avec notre équipe amicale.

En savoir plus
When is the best time to go on a Komodo liveaboard?
Komodo liveaboard diving is suitable all year round with the months of April to November being the high season. Despite popular belief, the rainy season of December to March is also the season of the manta migration, an incredible experience diving with hundreds of manta rays.
Do you do land tours with the liveaboard?
Yes, each and every trip of Komodo Sea Dragon also contains a stop to see the Komodo dragons, Pink Beach, Padar Island hike and/or Flying Foxes at Kalong Island.
Quelle est l'expérience de plongée minimale ?
Komodo is a diving destination well known for its surprise and strong currents. While some dive sites such as Turtle City may be suitable for beginners, most of the dive sites require Advanced Open Water certification with a minimum of 25 logged dives.
Is the liveaboard suitable for snorkelers?
Yes, all our liveaboard trips in Komodo are perfectly suitable for snorkelers. The majority of the dive sites frequented for diving are ideal for snorkeling as well.
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